US AFRICOM commander warns African defence chiefs against coups
•Urges them to “stay out of politics” •US Cuts aid to Burkina Faso By Julian Pecquet The top US military commander…
•Urges them to “stay out of politics” •US Cuts aid to Burkina Faso By Julian Pecquet The top US military commander…
Mali has accused France’s military of deliberately dividing the West African country and of committing espionage during its fight against…
Russia nuclear missile
Xi Jingping China and Africa
Ngozi James The International Monetary Fund, IMF, has warned that worsening insecurity in Nigeria pose a significant risk to the…
NSO Group cybersecurity
By DW Chinese technology giant Huawei has been battling headwind in the Global North: Sanctioned by the United States , it also faces legal…
Mali Prime Minister Choguel Maiga,
Editor’s Note: This piece is part of a series titled “Nonstate armed actors and illicit economies in 2022″ from Brookings’s Initiative…
President Xi Jinping of China